How to Improve the Security of Your Organization
Improved security is really important for most businesses these days, especially with the increased need to know who is on your premises at any one time and, there are a few things that you can do to make your life as a business owner a little easier. For some it might feel like an ordeal or, more ‘red tape’ that they have to jump through although you can actually improve your customers overall experience and ensure additional security for your Business at the same time.
Improved customer service
Although all of these new measures that have been put into place can seem a bit much at times, there are some benefits to be gained from improving the security of your business which should provide your customers with a better ‘peace of mind’ too, here are a few things you could invest in and, ‘kill two birds with one stone’, so to speak.
Electronic sign in system
If you don’t already have one then, an electronic sign in system is really effective, most of the systems can be operated from a mobile device and are really easy to use. You can choose from a variety of systems, some are installed like a POS system, others can use a mix of a POS type scanning machine at the entrance and exit of your establishment and mobile devices so that the system can track people’s movements. You could opt for a system whereby people manually input their data or better still, a scanning feature that can scan their face, take their temperature and log all of the information digitally, some even have a barcode or ID scanning feature which makes things even easier.
Name badges
Oddly enough, name badges are rarely seen these days, even on delivery drivers but, there is something to be said for having a physical name badge either for your employees or for ‘frequent visitors’. You can speak with a local engraving company who will be able to assist you in making a choice. You may even find that you could have a feature added to the name badge that can be scanned so anyone wearing one gets automatically signed in when they enter or leave your place of business. There is defiantly something comforting too, from a customer’s perspective when they are able to know the name of the person whom they have dealt with, it brings a much more personal touch to their overall experience.
Hire a security guard
You could look into hiring a security guard too which would actually provide a dual purpose, not only would your business be more secure from things like theft but, most security companies have a strong ethos when it comes to customer care so, you could have additional security to keep a watchful eye over your business and somebody whom can double up as a customer service associate. Either way, if you want to improve customer satisfaction and or make sure that your business is more secure than hiring a security guard could be just what you need.